How to improve public transport during heatwaves?
Montpellier has shaded residential areas contrasting with business areas devoid of urban development. In summer, the city experiences an average temperature of 35°C with several heat peaks. These conditions make public transport users particularly vulnerable, particularly when waiting. How to improve thermal comfort at bus stops in such a city? This is the delicate problem to which the LEMON laboratory, supported by Transdev, offered us to answer. Over a period of 4 years, we carried out the TERRA project, in partnership with the Métropole de Montpellier Méditerranée and TAM.
02.Favor what is already there
Micro-flowers, jugaad, shadow art, low-tech and the already-there have nourished our thoughts. We stressed the importance of not generating future electrical or electronic waste. With the participation of users and the various teams involved, the first sustainable scenarios were developed.
03. Experiment with solutions
From the selected scenarios, we tested different technical solutions in real conditions to assess their interest and constraints with a view to integration into complete prototypes. In addition to plant shade, ceramic modules promoting adiabatic exchanges and low-impact materials (raw/stabilized earth, wood) were tested. The first tests carried out in summer 2022 showed that the earth is suitable for outdoor seating, while the porous ceramic backs offer natural cooling through evaporation. Each solution was evaluated during co-creation and prototyping workshops to measure its impacts.
04.Prototype at scale 1
Three generations of prototypes were therefore produced at scale. We called on a network of local craftsmen, accustomed to participatory projects, for their creation (3PCO, Rachid Mizrahi, Ceramix, Menuiserie Collaborative, etc.)
Up to 15°C difference with a traditional shelter
05.Deploy citywide
From the first stages of experimentation, we encouraged that these objects be truly functional and that they could fit into an industrial production logic. The reproducibility of TERRA bus stops can thus be considered on a city scale.
Positive impact
Low-tech to cool cities by limiting energy consumption and gray technologies.
Stations compatible with existing infrastructure to limit road works.
A sober style that fits into the city while limiting visual impacts.