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 Product design studio Lyon Montpellier France expert in circularity product use VillageVivants

Urban furniture that brings people together


Villages vivants
Product design

As part of its initiative to revitalize city centers, Villages Vivants aimed to create participatory urban furniture. The goal was to allow residents to exchange objects (books, clothes, toys) while strengthening social ties. The furniture was also designed to encourage gatherings and feature a space dedicated to local and community communication, all while complying with urban furniture standards.

 Product design studio Lyon Montpellier France expert in circularity product use VillageVivants
 Product design studio Lyon Montpellier France expert in circularity product use VillageVivants

Participatory urban furniture

Inspired by "Giveboxes," this project was designed to blend harmoniously into public spaces. More than just a drop-off point for items, it provides spaces for neighbors to meet and interact. The furniture highlights collected items and features a bench/support to encourage passersby to stop, read, or chat. The idea is to reclaim public space and stimulate interactions within the neighborhood.

 Product design studio Lyon Montpellier France expert in circularity product presentation VillageVivants
 Product design studio Lyon Montpellier France expert in circularity product presentation VillageVivants
 Product design studio Lyon Montpellier France expert in circularity product presentation VillageVivants
 Product design studio Lyon Montpellier France expert in circularity prototype VillageVivants
 Product design studio Lyon Montpellier France expert in circularity prototype VillageVivants
 Product design studio Lyon Montpellier France expert in circularity prototype VillageVivants

Design and Product Architecture

The modular approach allows for the creation of an entire range of furniture adapted to various urban spaces. The tall, transparent modules showcase the deposited items, while the high-performance concrete bench provides a robust and durable support. Each element of the furniture is designed to be functional, aesthetic, and resistant to urban conditions.

 Product design studio Lyon Montpellier France expert in circularity diagram VillageVivants


Experimenting with user‑friendly and sustainable urban furniture for object donations. This project embodies the optimism and dynamic of revitalization of town centers carried by Villages Vivants.

Positive impact

Donation boxes to circulate objects and encourage solidarity.


Objects reused instead of going in the trash.


A bench, transparent boxes, modular arrangements, the Givebox is designed as an evolving object system.