Strategic design studio Montpellier expert in health workshop TLE UNIREIN

Bringing collaborative design into the healthcare field

Strategic design

Since February 2024, the Entreautre agency is a member of the UNIREIN Experimental Shared Space (TLE), an innovative initiative in the field of nephrology, created to meet the needs of patients with kidney and cardiometabolic diseases (diabetes, hypertension, ischemic heart disease, obesity). These disorders share common risk factors and significant complications, having a major impact on patients' quality of life.

The missions of the UNIREIN TLE

  1. Digital Health Support: By supporting digital solutions, the TLE facilitates behavior changes for managing metabolic and kidney diseases, thus giving patients valuable autonomy.
  2. Accessibility and Care Optimization: By reducing treatment costs and improving the match between patients’ needs and care offerings, the TLE helps to make healthcare services more affordable.
  3. Improvement of Existing Solutions: The TLE promotes collaborative design and optimization of digital solutions, ensuring their interoperability and acceptability.

The UNIREIN TLE stands out for its collaborative and multidisciplinary vision, involving patients, caregivers, healthcare professionals, digital experts and startups, to co-create effective and user-centered solutions. Its methods include promoting digital health, designing and disseminating innovative tools, applying academic excellence, and creating a culture of trust and collaboration around digital health solutions.

Strategic design studio Montpellier expert in health workshop TLE UNIREIN
Strategic design studio Montpellier expert in health workshop TLE UNIREIN
Strategic design studio Montpellier expert in health workshop TLE UNIREIN
Strategic design studio Montpellier expert in health workshop TLE UNIREIN
Strategic design studio Montpellier expert in health workshop TLE UNIREIN

The partners of the UNIREIN TLE

The UNIREIN TLE brings together a variety of key players under the leadership of Corinne Isnard Bagnis. These partners can be divided into three main categories:

1. Healthcare Institutions: Including public and private healthcare centers, these institutions provide the necessary clinical framework to test and implement the digital solutions developed.

APHP Pitié Salpétrière | APHP Hôpital Européen G. Pompidou | CHU La Réunion | URC ECO | Calydial

2. Patient Associations: They play a crucial role in representing patients' interests, ensuring that solutions are centered on their needs, and facilitating their adoption.

France Rein | Info Rein Santé

3. Operational Partners: Including laboratories, tech companies and design firms, these partners bring their technical and innovative expertise to the project.

Bio Futur | Entends Moi | Skezi | Entreautre

This cross-sector collaboration is essential for digital health innovation, enabling the development of practical and effective solutions. The first two startup projects supported by the TLE demonstrate this synergy well. For example, Bio Logbook is developing an analysis tool to detect biological imbalances early, while Home Habilis offers a home telemonitoring platform for patients with kidney failure.

Strategic design studio Montpellier expert in health workshop TLE UNIREIN
Strategic design studio Montpellier expert in health workshop TLE UNIREIN

Design to equip the TLE partners

The Entreautre agency plays a pivotal role within UNIREIN by facilitating co-design, a key element of the TLE’s strategy. Its mission is to support consortium members and startups by organizing and leading design workshops. Entreautre also prototypes the results of these workshops to refine solutions before they are deployed on a large scale. Our goal is to ensure that the solutions are not only viable but also usable and desirable for both patients and healthcare professionals.

This collaboration will help create balanced innovations, combining technology and humanity, to tackle the challenges of kidney and cardiometabolic diseases.

Strategic design studio Montpellier expert in health workshop TLE UNIREIN
Strategic design studio Montpellier expert in health workshop TLE UNIREIN